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Sex headaches treatment in hyderabad


Sexual headaches are caused by sexual activity – especially orgasm. You may notice a dull ache in the head and neck that builds up as sexual arousal increases. Or more often, sudden, severe headaches occur just before or during orgasm.

Most sexual headaches are nothing to worry about. But some can be a sign of something serious, like problems with the blood vessels that supply your brain. Sex headaches treatment in Nizamabad


There are two types of sexual headache:

Most sexual headaches last at least a few minutes. Others can linger for hours, even two to three days.

The reasons

Any type of sexual activity that leads to orgasm can trigger sexual headaches.

Abrupt, slowly building sex caps can be a primary headache not associated with any underlying medical condition. Sudden sexual headaches are more likely to be associated with:

Risk factors

Sexual headaches can affect anyone. However, the risk factors for these headaches include:

Be a man. Men are more prone to sexual headaches.
History of migraines. If you are prone to migraines, your risk of sexual headaches increases Sex headaches treatment in Nizamabad.


Sometimes sexual headaches can be avoided by stopping sexual activity before orgasm. A more passive role in sex can also help.

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