An atrioventricular channel defect is a combination of heart problems that lead to a defect in the center of the heart. The condition occurs when there is a hole between the chambers of the heart and there are problems with the valves that regulate blood flow in the heart.
Sometimes referred to as an endocardial cushion defect or atrioventricular septal defect, an atrioventricular canal defect is present at birth (congenital). The disease is often associated with Down syndrome. Septal defect, atrioventricular treatment in Nizamabad
- An atrioventricular canal abnormality can affect only the upper two chambers of the heart (partially) or all four chambers (completely). In both types, extra blood circulates in the lungs.
- Complete atrioventricular channel abnormality
Signs and symptoms usually develop in the first few weeks of life. These signs and symptoms are generally similar to those associated with heart failure and can include: - Difficulty breathing or breathing quickly
Loss of appetite
Little weight gain
The reasons
Chambers and heart valves
Ventricles and Valves Open Popup Dialog The illustration shows an atrioventricular duct abnormality
Atrioventricular Channel Anomaly Open popup dialog
An atrioventricular channel defect occurs before birth, when a baby’s heart is developing. Certain factors, such as Down syndrome, can increase the risk of atrioventricular channel abnormalities. However, the cause is generally unknown. Septal defect, atrioventricular treatment in Nizamabad
Risk factors
\Factors that can increase a baby’s risk of developing an atrioventricular channel defect before birth include:
- Down syndrom
- German measles (rubella) or other viral diseases in a mother’s early pregnancy
- Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy
- Poorly Controlled Diabetes During Pregnancy
- Smoking during pregnancy
Complications of an atrioventricular channel defect can include:
Enlargement of the heart. The increased blood flow to the heart causes it to work harder than normal and become fat.
Pulmonary hypertension. If there is a hole (defect) that allows oxygenated (red) and oxygen-free (blue) blood to mix, the amount of blood entering the lungs will increase. This leads to increased pressure in the lungs, which leads to high blood pressure in the lungs.
Respiratory infections. An atrioventricular duct abnormality can cause recurrent episodes of lung infection. Septal defect, atrioventricular treatment in Nizamabad