Piles Treatment
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What is the cost of Piles surgery ?
piles treatment in hyderabad hospitals In India the cost ranges from Depending on the amount swollen veins and Grades, Piles also known as hemorrhoids, are and have been a bother to many people. These are basically swollen veins that occur in the anal region. Hemorrhoids are important as they help with stool control. However, the piles condition is not permanent to be removed, sculpting needed, the technology used, and other miscellaneous expenses. β Pay in Monthly Option Available and β Insurance β Cashless β 50% Get Low-Cost
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Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are and have been a bother to many people. These are basically swollen veins that occur in the anal region. Hemorrhoids are important as they help with stool control. They are naturally present in the anal canal but transform into piles when they become inflamed or swollen. However, the piles condition is not permanent piles treatment in hyderabad doctor
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- Rubber band ligation: A band is placed around your piles to form them drop off
Sclerotherapy: a liquid is injected into your piles to form them shrink
Electrotherapy: a mild current is applied to your piles to form them shrink
Infrared coagulation: an infrared is employed to chop the blood supply to your piles to form them shrink best piles treatment in hyderabad
* You’ll be awake for this sort of treatment, but the world are going to be numbed.
* You should be ready to head home on an equivalent day.
- If these treatments don’t work, you’ll need surgery to get rid of your piles.
- best piles treatment in hyderabad
- Invasive – Cutting the wound with a blade
- Blood loss
- Very painful,
- Hospitalization for a few days of custody
- Getting dressed for a few days
- Bed rest required
- Possibility of repetition
- Non-invasive procedure
- No blood loss
- less painful
- Day care procedures No getting dressed
- Best rest not required
- Quick recovery
- No repetition
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Before and After of Vasectomies
How long does Piles take?
The Piles Treatment operation can take about 1 to 8 hours, depending on the complexity of the operation. Recovery lasts up to 4 weeks after 1 to 3 days at the clinic after surgery. laser piles treatment in hyderabad
- 1-2 hour surgery
- 4-5 hour post-surgery recovery in the hospital
- Discharge by the end of day
- Full Recovery within 30 days
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- We will advise you the cost after
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Free Medical Help
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Just got done 2days back…
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Staff is too good.. dr for piles treatment in hyderabad
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Here are the Four Types of Clinical Piles Grade based on severity
β Grade II: Grade II piles are larger than grade I piles, but also remain inside the anus. They may get pushed out during the passing of stool, but they will return unaided.
β Grade III: These are also known as prolapsed hemorrhoids, and appear outside the anus. The individual may feel them hanging from the rectum, but they can be easily re-inserted.
β Grade IV: These cannot be pushed back in and need treatment. They are large and remain outside of the anus.
Duration of Piles
The Safe Cosmetic Procedure Comprises
- 1 hour surgery
- 4-5 hour post-surgery recovery in the hospital
- Discharge by the end of day
- Full recovery within 30 days
- Treatment Cost
- We will advise you the cost after
β β β β β a day ago
They have advanced operations theaters with robotic and minimal access surgery features for advanced surgical interventions here.
They will recommend surgery for you depending on your condition and will help you with that problem.
Mediclaim Availability: They have partnered with many insurance companies and ensure good health for you. any good doctor for piles treatment in hyderabad
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And Today I’m going to show You the Imp
13 Exact Information about Piles
1. Know about Piles Overview?
2. What causes Piles?
3. How do you know if you have Symptoms Piles?
4. When to See a Doctor?
5. What are the Medications?
6. Health conditions of Patients?
7. What are the major risk factors?
8. How to Prevent?
9. How much cost of Treatment?
10. Duration of Piles Treatment?
11. Benefits after Piles?
12. Doctor experience for Piles Care?
13. Types and chest Grade?
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- itching round the anus.
- pain round the anus, particularly when sitting.
- tender lumps round the anus.
Piles are collections of tissue and vein that become inflamed and swollen. the dimensions of piles can vary, and that they are found inside or outside the anus. Piles occur thanks to chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, lifting heavy weights, pregnancy, or straining when passing a stool.Piles Treatment And Prevention
Piles Treatment best lady doctor for piles treatment in hyderabad
Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are and have been a bother to many people. These are basically swollen veins that occur in the anal region. Hemorrhoids are important as they help with stool control. They are naturally present in the anal canal but transform into piles when they become inflamed or swollen. However, the piles condition is not permanent. There are various modes of piles treatment that could help ease the effects or even prevent the condition all together. Before rushing to treatment, it is important to understand all there is to know about alternative piles treatment and relief. The more you understand the better a position you'll be to effectively treat the condition. There are two types of piles; Internal and external. Both belong in the same group but have different characteristics.
(a) Internal piles tend to be located inside the anus. They are painless and bleed (bright red) during bowel movement. Mucous discharge is present and you might experience some itchy feeling piles treatment cost in hyderabad
(b) External piles tend to protrude and are visible around the anus. When thrombosed, these are said to be painful. The pain usually lasts up to 3 days then goes down. Some swelling might occur that might last for a few weeks. After healing, some skin tag might be left behind.
Symptoms of Piles
The only way to properly identify piles is through a physical examination. External piles can be easily identified through a physical rectal examination. Internal hemorrhoids however can be detected through Anoscopy. This is a small hollow tube that has a light attached to the end of it. It clearly shows all that is inside.
Piles Treatment And Prevention
The good news about piles is that they can be successfully treated. One might not see the warning signs before they occur but once they do, it does not spell doom for you. However, piles can be avoided in the first place to avoid dealing with the after effects. piles treatment in apollo hospital hyderabad
1. Fiber
It is absolutely possible to get rid or prevent piles through fiber. Fiber is best known to aid in food digestion. In some instances, lack of proper food digestion is known to cause piles. This is because some food particles might be in their whole form hence makes it hard for the digestive tract to completely crush it. This means that the food particle will not be completely crushed hence constipation. Constipation is one of the leading causes of piles. Fiber is also important in the diet as it cleans the colon. This is very important as it goes a long way to prevent constipation. All in all, fiber is an important part of the diet so including it will definitely ease the piles condition or prevent it.
2. Water
Water is an essential to all living things and humans in this case. The benefits of water are many as most of them are vital in relieving the piles problem. Drinking water after a meal helps to wash down food. This is important as it leads the food to the digestive track for easy digestion; in short it speeds up the movement of food to the digestive track. Water is also important in the body as it softens the food hence avoids constipation. When you eat dry food like corn, digestion becomes a very difficult and painful process. In the end the stool will be very hard with some corn particles. This might scratch the piles and cause bleeding hence aggravating the inflammation. Passing it also will be hard hence create the problem. It is recommended that you drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. free piles treatment in hyderabad
3. Herbs
Some herbs are known to ease up the painful consequences of piles. Witch hazel and wall chest nuts are the leading herbs known for their healing properties of piles. Herbs in general are very healthy and each herb has its own quality. Include witch hazel and wall chest nut in your diet will naturally. This is very healthy for you as there are no side effects. It actually is an advantage for you as you get to eat your way out of the piles condition. Cook your food with the herbs for easy digestion and piles treatment. laser treatment for piles cost
4. Bowel movement
This is one of the best methods of piles treatment. It is very advisable to go to the bathroom as soon as the need arises. Holding it back in is good ground for the development of the piles. When the already digested food (feces) stays in the colon for too long without being eliminated, water gets reabsorbed back into your body. This is a very good ground for the development of piles. The more you hold it in the more the absorption of the water back into the body. This means that when the pressure becomes too much and you eventually decide to go, the stool will be too dry and hard. This means that you might constipate which is a cause of piles. Go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge. piles clinic in hyderabad
5. Fruits and vegetables
Effective piles treatment lies in this. Fruits and vegetable should always be included in your diet. Unlike the common belief that water is the remedy for constipation, vegetables are best. Green leafy vegetable are known to make the stool soft hence easy passing. It is also the best remedy for constipation. Fruits that are juicy and watery are the best. They nourish your body and are a good source of fluids for the body. Fruits and vegetable are very rich in fiber which is good for easing the effects of piles or better still, preventing the condition. piles laser treatment cost in hyderabad
6. Chew food completely
It is important to completely chew food until it is broken down to small bits. This makes it easier for your body to digest it more quickly and easily. This will in turn prevent and ease piles. You should also take your time while eating; doing it in a hurry will in turn mean that you are swallowing big chunks of foods and downing it hurriedly. This is not healthy for your digestive track. Proper table etiquette as this is the beginning of piles treatment.
Have Piles Surgery and Say Goodbye
Piles surgery is a painful experience, but for some cases of piles, may be the only option. Your physician might advise piles surgery if piles symptoms are at its worst. It is best to have a talk with your physicians about options on how to treat piles. There are different non-surgical and surgical intervention that are available and you should know the pros and cons of each of it before you decide which procedure to undertake. piles government hospital in hyderabad
How to treat piles
Piles or hemorrhoids is a condition where swollen tissues are evident in the anal canal. Piles symptoms, treatment and cure is related and identifying what causes hemorrhoids is important for a lasting cure for piles. Piles or hemorrhoids is due to a lot of factors but is directly due to the excessive pressure of the veins in the anal region which causes them to inflame.
There are natural hemorrhoids medication which you can find in your garden that you can put together. And there are over-the-counter or prescription based hemorrhoid medication. But for piles symptoms that are severe, piles surgery is needed. For piles surgery, there are two types of procedure that are available, namely; non-surgical and surgical.
Non-surgical intervention:
Banding or rubber band litigation- a procedure where a small elastic band is placed just above the pile thereby cutting off its blood supply and eventually leads to falling off of the dead tissue.
Sclerotherapy- a procedure where an oily solution is injected in the piles causing it to shrink. It is recommended for internal type of piles.
Other treatments include infrared coagulation or laser, cryosurgery and bipolar diathermy and direct current electrotherapy. These procedures, however, still need further research because it still has little scientific evidence to support its use.
Surgical intervention:
Conventional hemorrhoidectomy- a procedure which involves cutting the pile away from the muscle underneath cutting off the blood vessel to prevent bleeding.
Stapled hemorrhoidectomy- a procedure which uses a specially designed stapler to remove a piece of tissue above the pile causing it to back up the anal canal as well as reducing blood supply to the pile causing it to shrink.
Hemorrhoidal artery ligation- a procedure which involves tying with sutures the small arteries that supply blood to the piles.
For most people suffering from piles or hemorrhoids, surgery is the least option that they will take to treat piles. There are hemorrhoid remedies that are guaranteed to help hemorrhoids and save you from piles surgery.
Simple tips on how to avoid surgery:
- Include and increase fiber in your diet
- Drink plenty of fluids
- Avoid straining during bowel movement and avoid long sessions of sitting in the toilet
- Avoid sitting or standing for too long
- Do daily routine exercises
- Do these tips and feel your hemorrhoids go away for good and say goodbye to piles surgery. Inform yourself about hemorrhoids and all what is related to it.
Internal piles
This is a simple office based treatment, typically recommended for the first line treatment of the internal piles.
No anaesthetic is required and you are able to go home almost immediately.
This is a procedure in which elastic bands are applied onto an internal haemorrhoid at least 1 cm above the dentate line to cut off its blood supply.
Within 5–7 days, the withered haemorrhoid falls off. Cure rate has been found to be about 87%.
Recently it was shown that the series of rubber band ligation is equally effective than the methods using advanced technology (like Laser, radiofrequency, etc.), but costs the friction of it.*
βPossible disadvantages:
1. May require more than one course of treatment
2. Does not deal with external skin tags and loose skin of haemorrhoids
3. There is a small risk of complications such as aggravation of other haemorrhoids, bleeding, pain or infection. The pain is difficult to predict and is usually not severe. There is a bearing down sensation sometimes and Paracetamol taken after the procedure is helpful
1. No hospitalisation
2. No anaesthetic
3. Minimal pain
4. Minimal time off work
5. Cost effective
6. Easily repeatable
External piles and skin tags
Surgical procedure
External haemorrhoid removal is a minor surgical procedure under local anaesthetic.
Skin tags are small flesh-coloured or brown growths that hang off the skin and look a bit like warts. They are very common and harmless. However, you may want to consider getting them removed if they are unsightly and affect your self-esteem, or cause hygenic problem. This procedure is not offered under the NHS, but our clinic is happy to provide it under local anaesthesia. piles ayurvedic treatment in hyderabad
Thrombosed external pile is an exquisitely painful lump in the perianal area. It can be beneficial to remove it completely in the first 96 hours, after that a non-operative approach is advisable.
βThe procedure:
We use cryospray – local anaesthetic combination, then we carry out the procedure with single use instrument.
Self-absorbable stitches are applied, and you will loose them when absorbed (7-10 days time). Finally, a film-creating spray is applied to prevent bacterial infection.
βOne free follow-up appointment is included in our package.
Other symptoms
Anal fissure or rectal fissure is a break or tear in the skin of the anal canal. Anal fissures may be noticed by bright red anal bleeding on toilet paper, sometimes in the toilet. If acute they may usually cause sharp pain during and after defecation. piles laser treatment in hyderabad
βFistula is a painful lump around the anus, associated with redness and sometimes with purulent discharge. Usually the patient has high temperature, fever and chills. Requires and operation and further assessment of the area to check the underlying condition.
βNeoplasia is a change in bowel habits, a lump near the anus, rectal bleeding, itching or discharge. If you experience these symptoms, you need to see your GP or a specialist, who will examine you and decide about the further course of action.
The first step is to get the diagnosis
Internal piles best lady doctor for piles treatment in hyderabad
Internal haemorrhoids – these are not visible, but usually cause dull pain
Pain, bleeding, itching and anal discomfort are the most common symptoms.
Blood on the toilet paper after you have been on the toilet.
A lumpy feeling inside your back passage or protruding from your bottom.
If you experience any of these symptoms suggested to contact your GP or our Clinic.
Thorough investigations are required to establish the proper diagnosis and rule out other conditions, including anal fissures, fistulas, polyps or rectal cancer.
The suggested treatment depends on the severity (Grade I-IV) of your piles, but could be the piles banding, injection or more advanced treatments (laser or RF ablation).
External piles piles treatment cost in hyderabad
External haemorrhoids – a visible lump around your back passage. If not thrombosed, external haemorrhoids may cause few problems, these are the itching and irritating. However, when thrombosed, haemorrhoids may be very painful. Nevertheless this pain typically resolves in 6 days. The swelling however may take a few weeks to disappear. A skin tag may remain after healing. If haemorrhoids are large and cause issues with hygiene, they may produce irritation of the surrounding skin and thus itchiness around the anus. piles laser treatment cost in hyderabad
The suggested treatment is to perform an emergency anal thrombectomy, which is minor procedure, performed under local anaesthesia and could cause quick symptom resolution. It is the recommended to perform this procedure within 96 hours.
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