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Neuroblastoma Treatment in Hyderabad


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Neuroblastoma is cancer that develops from immature nerve cells that are found in many areas of the body.

Neuroblastoma most commonly occurs in and around the adrenal glands, which are similar in origin to nerve cells and located on top of the kidneys. However, neuroblastoma can develop in other areas of the abdomen, such as the chest, neck, and near the spine where groups of nerve cells exist.


The signs and symptoms of neuroblastoma vary depending on the part of the body affected.

Abdominal neuroblastoma – the most common type – can cause signs and symptoms such as:

The reasons

Usually cancer starts with a genetic mutation that allows normal, healthy cells to continue growing without responding to stop signals from what normal cells are doing. Cancer cells grow and multiply in an uncontrolled manner. The abnormal cells that accumulate form a lump (tumor).

Neuroblastoma begins with neuroblasts – immature nerve cells that a fetus forms as part of its developmental process.

As the fetus matures, neuroblasts eventually transform into nerve cells and the fibers and cells that make up the adrenal glands.

Risk factors

Children with a family history of neuroblastoma may be more likely to develop the disease. However, it is believed that familial neuroblastoma includes a very small number of cases of neuroblastoma. In most cases of neuroblastoma, a cause is never identified.


Complications of neuroblastoma can include:

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