Myopia (myopia)
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Myopia is a common vision disorder in which you can clearly see objects near you but are out of focus further away. This happens when the shape of your eye causes rays of light to incorrectly bend (refract) and focus images in front of your retina rather than on your retina.
Myopia can develop gradually or quickly and often worsen in childhood and adolescence. Myopia usually runs in families. Nearsightedness Treatment in Nizamabad
Symptoms of myopia can include:
- Blurred vision when looking at distant objects
- The need to squint or partially close the eyelids to see clearly
- Headache from eye strain
- Difficulty seeing a vehicle, especially at night (nighttime myopia)
The reasons
- Eye anatomy
- Eye Anatomy Open popup dialog
- Your eye is made up of two parts that focus the images:
- The cornea is the transparent dome-shaped front of your eye.
- The lens has a clear structure the size and shape of an M&M candy.
- In the case of a normal-shaped eye, each of these focusing elements has a perfectly smooth curvature, like the surface of a marble. A cornea and lens with such a curvature bend (refract) all of the incident light to create a perfectly focused image right on the retina in the fundus.
Risk factors
Certain risk factors can increase the likelihood of myopia, such as:
Genetically. Myopia usually runs in families. Having either parent who is nearsighted increases the risk of developing the disease. The risk is even higher if both parents are nearsighted.
Environmental conditions. Some studies support the idea that a lack of time outdoors can increase the likelihood of myopia.
Myopia is associated with a variety of complications from mild to severe, such as:
- Reduced quality of life. Uncorrected myopia can affect your quality of life. You may not be able to do a task as well as you want. And your restricted vision can affect your enjoyment of daily activities.
- Eye fatigue. Uncorrected myopia can cause you to blink or strain your eyes to maintain focus. This can lead to eye strain and headaches.
- Security obstruction. Your own safety and the safety of others can be at risk when you have uncorrected vision problem. This can be especially severe if you drive a car or use heavy equipment.
- Financial burden. The cost of prescription glasses, eye exams, and medical treatments can add up, especially for chronic conditions like myopia. Visual impairment and loss of vision can in some cases also affect income potential.
- Other eye problems. Severe myopia increases the risk of retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataracts, and myopic maculopathy – lesions in the central area of ββthe retina. The tissues of the long eyeballs are stretched and thinned, resulting in tears, inflammation, new weak and easily bleeding blood vessels, and scars. Nearsightedness Treatment in Nizamabad