Top in Lipoma Surgery Hyderabad
What is the Cost of Lipoma in Hyderabad?
In Hyderabad the cost ranges Lipoma from Rs 30,000 to Rs 1,45,000 depending on the amount of fat to be removed, sculpting needed, the technology used, and other miscellaneous expenses. In most cases, correction of Lipoma is May be eligible for insurance coverage but various finance agencies provide easy (Avaliable EMI – Zero EMI PAY in MONTHLY) facility as well.Lipoma Surgery cost in Hyderabad
Listed below is the step by step procedure of Lipoma:
Nitin Jindal
★★★★★ 7 days ago
★★★★★ 7 days ago
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Narayana Rao
★★★★★ 5 days ago
★★★★★ 5 days ago
best Varicose surgeon, well-experienced Doctor Hyderabad.
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50% Get low Cost + Pay in Monthly Health Insurance + Cashless
What is Lipoma?
Why is Lipoma Required?
Pre-operative Preparations
Day Before Surgery
Procedure Day
Methods/Techniques of Lipoma
Post Procedure
Risks and Complications
Things You Need to Know About Lipoma
Types of lipoma
There are different types of lipoma, but we will explain briefly common ones namely, superficial subcutaneous, deep intramuscular lipomas, angiolipoma lipomas, spindle cell lipomas and lumbosacral lipomas.
- Superficial subcutaneous lipomas- this occurs more on the forearms, nape of the neck, and trunk of women. They are also common in overweight or obese people.
- Deep intramuscular lipomas, this affects more men than women, especially those between the ages of 30 and 65.
- Angiolipoma lipomas are common on the forearm of adults
- Spindle cell lipomas are frequent in the shoulders and necks of people between the ages of 45 and 60.
- Lumbosacral lipomas are common infants, and can as well be seen in adults.
Symptoms for Lipoma
The formation of lump or several types of lumps under the skin can give rise to lipoma. Their growth is usually on a steady motion, and you may not notice the appearance. It can cause pain or discomfort depending on its location and size. Lipoma is liable to grow in subcutaneous tissue that has been traumatized or injured.
Risk factors
Lipoma can develop at any age, though they are rare in under-aged children, and common in middle-aged or older people especially between the ages of 40 and 70. Noticeable risk factors of lipomas involves; dercum disease such as neurological and mental issues, familial multiple lipomatosis, family history of lipomas, Gardner syndrome etc.
Treatment of lipomas
It is important to note that some lipomas do not require any form of medical treatment, while treatment is necessary in others. They can easily be removed if they grow too quickly or if painful or interfere with anything that hinders your everyday life. Lipoma surgery cost
Once you are diagnosed of lipoma, it is the duty of your physician or healthcare expert to determine the best treatment option to give you. Some of the well-known treatment options involve steroid injections, Lipoma, and surgical procedures or excision.
Further diagnostic evaluations or treatments may be needed. Try to adhere strictly to the treatment plan stipulated by your physician. This is the only way to safeguard you from the clutches of this ailment. While treating the patient, the doctor may perform biopsy to determine the type of lipoma.
Lipoma. What is a Lipoma?
Diagnosis And Treatment of Lipomas
Lipoma – A common benign tumor of mature fat cells. This is the most common mesenchymal tumors. It occurs in all places where there is fatty tissue, 98% of the subcutaneously located, and only occasionally – in the deep soft tissues (intermuscular lipoma). In 94% of lipomas are solitary, rarely – plural. Multiple lesions are characteristic of women, as well as patients with neurofibromatosis and a variety of endocrine neoplasia. Symmetrically located lipomas are usually hereditary.
Causes of Lipoma
It is speculated that previous trauma is the cause of lipoma. According to one theory, body fat can protrude through tissue planes due to injuries, which then creates a “pseudo” lipoma.
Another theory suggests that cytokines are released due to trauma. The release of cytokines is said to cause the abnormal growth of fat cells.
However, there is still no evidence, which shows that trauma can cause lipomas. The exact cause of lipoma is not yet completely understood, but a genetic link to solitary lipomas was found on chromosome 12.
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And Today I’m going to show You the Imp
13 Exact Information about Lipoma?
1. Know about Lipoma Overview?
2. What causes Lipoma?
3. How do you know if you have Symptoms ?
4. When to See a Doctor?
5. What are the Medications?
6. Health conditions of Patients?
7. What are the major risk factors?
8. How to Prevent?
9. How much cost of surgery?
10. Duration of Lipoma surgery?
11. Benefits after varicose surgery?
12. Doctor experience for Lipoma?
13. Types and Stages?
- MS (Gen Surgery), M.Ch (Plastic Surgery) (Varicose) Consultant
- Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery & Reconstruction Surgery
- 22+ Years Experience: Lipoma surgery in Hyderabad
- Dr. Best Doctor Near me Raghu Narayan G is a Consultant Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon at Continentals Hospitals. As a well trained surgeon, Dr. Best Doctor Near me Raghu has performed over 5000+ Major Surgeries in the fields of Hand Surgery involving finger reconstruction, tendon transfer, Acute Burnes and burn sequelae reconstruction, microsurgery involving replantation & Revascularisation, general plastic surgery, cleft lip and palate surgeries. He also specialises in Cosmetic Surgery involving rhinoplasty, Lipoma, breast reconstruction, facial rejuvenation and contour corrections. Lipoma treatment in Hyderabad
- During the course of his career, Dr. Best Doctor Near me Raghu has established a plastic surgery division, a Burns ICU and began an MCh Plastic Surgery Course under MCI guidelines. He is well published in national and international journals, and frequently attends Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery conferences around the world.
- Dr. Best Doctor Near me Raghu Narayan fluently speaks Telugu, English and Hindi.
Why Choose the Lipoma Excisional Procedure?
- Sudden increase in size or pain
- Medicines are ineffective
- Avoid side effects of steroids
- Lipoma removal is the “only” permanent solution
- Advantages of the lipoma excision procedure
- Pain-free, scar-free procedure
- No repetition
- 30 minute procedure | Dismissal in one day
- Return to work in 1 day
- No side effects
Problem-free insurance commitment
- All insurance covered
- no hidden costs
- Paperwork from the Pristyn team on your behalf
What is lipoma?
A lipoma is a slowly growing body of fat that sits between your skin and the layer of muscle below.
Lipomas can form on any part of the body, but they usually appear on:
What does it cost to remove a lipoma?
The cost of the operation depends on the following factors:
Number and size of lipomas
Location of the lipoma (part of the body)
Technology and material used
Consultation with the surgeon is required for a better assessment.
Request a quote
Calculate the cost of the operation
Does the insurance company cover the lipoma excision?
This operation is covered by all personal and corporate insurances according to the terms of the policy.
Why does the cost of removing a lipoma vary from patient to patient?
The amount payable for lipoma removal will vary from person to person due to the following factors:
- Number and size of lipomas
- Location of the lipoma (part of the body)
- Technology and material used
- Insurance type
- Type of hospital
- Admission fee
- Doctor’s fees
- Your chosen reception room
How long does the procedure take?
The procedure usually takes at least 30 minutes, depending on the number of lipomas.
Do I have to stay in the hospital?
The patient can return home on the same day of the procedure (if paid in cash), while a 24-hour hospital stay is required for insured patients.
How long do I have to be absent from work or school?
90% of the time, you can resume your normal routine the day after the procedure, but healing time may vary and should be discussed with your surgeon.
People also ask
Is a Lipoma Dangerous?
They’re classified as benign growths, or tumors, of fatty tissue. This means a lipoma isn’t cancerous and is rarely harmful. Treatment for a lipoma usually isn’t necessary unless it’s bothering you.
Can a lipoma be painful?
Generally small. Lipomas are typically less than 2 inches (5 centimeters) in diameter, but they can grow. Sometimes painful. Lipomas can be painful if they grow and press on nearby nerves or if they contain many blood vessels.
Can lipoma be cured?
Since lipomas are benign fatty tumors, they are typically harmless and do not require treatment. If a lipoma is bothering you for medical or cosmetic reasons, your doctor can surgically remove it.
What is the best treatment for lipoma?
Lipoma treatments include:
Surgical removal – Most lipomas are removed surgically by cutting them out. …
Steroid injections – This treatment shrinks the lipoma but usually doesn’t eliminate it. …
Lipoma– In this treatment, a needle and a large syringe are used to remove the fatty lump.
Do lipomas hurt when pressed?
Most lipomas are symptomless, but some are painful on applying pressure. Lipomas that are tender or painful are usually angiolipomas. This means the lipoma has an increased number of small blood vessels. Painful lipomas are also a feature of adiposis dolorosa or Dercum disease
How do you reduce lipomas?
It is usually carried out in the following ways:
Surgery. Most lipomas are extracted surgically. …
Lipoma. Since lipomas are fat-based, this procedure can work well to reduce its size. …
Steroid injections. Steroid injections may also be used right on the affected area.
Can lipoma be cured by exercise?
Lipoma cannot be removed by dietary or exercise methids. If you want to get it removed, surgical excision is the only way. If not, you can ignore it. Its harmless
Pre-operative Preparation
- A complete blood count (CBC) is ordered by the doctor in order to know the white blood cell and red blood cell count
- Discuss with the doctor as to what medications need to be discontinued prior to procedure. In case you are on vitamin K supplements, you need to discontinue them as that vitamin is responsible for triggering blood clotting.
- Stop smoking and doing recreational drugs completely in the weeks before and after surgery
- Stop taking birth control pills in the period before the surgery
Day Before Surgery
- Select a qualified surgeon for undergoing Lipoma surgery
- Get all of your queries about the surgery solved beforehand from the operating surgeon
- Make sure to make proper arrangements for someone to pick you up from hospital. You won’t be able to drive as the effect of anesthesia takes time to wear off
- Drugs which may lead to loss of blood during and after surgery need to be strictly avoided. Vitamin supplements are also to be avoided.
Procedure Day
Before the surgery for Lipoma starts, the doctor or nurse may mark out the areas of your body; say waist, outer thighs or arms that need to be operated. They may also click before-after photos for later use and future references. The surgical team will also make proper arrangements before the procedure for monitoring your blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen levels in blood throughout the procedure. Lipoma treatment in Hyderabad
Methods/Techniques of Lipoma
The type of anesthesia to be delivered to the patient before surgery is decided on the extent of the area to be operated. A salt solution is injected under the skin of the areas which are to be operated upon, before incisions are made on the areas to be operated. After that, a cannula that is a thin metal tube is introduced through the incisions for accessing the fat deposits. Further, a vacuum is inserted through the cannula for suctioning out fat from the concerned areas. After the suctioning is done, the incisions are stitched up.
Lipoma methods and technique
The duration of procedure depends on the magnitude of area that is to be operated for fat removal.
Post Procedure
If you’ve had general anesthesia, you’ll wake up in a recovery room. You’ll typically spend at least a few hours in the hospital or clinic so that medical personnel can monitor your recovery. If you’re in a hospital, you might stay overnight to make sure that you’re not dehydrated or in shock from fluid loss.
Do’s and Don’ts Post Lipoma
Mentioned below are the few do’s and don’ts you need to follow after undergoing a Lipoma surgery:
Constant exercise and food schedule: Do maintain a constant exercise and eating schedule. Remember, results will be permanent only if you manage to maintain your weight. Lipoma surgery in Hyderabad
No strenuous physical activities: Do not engage in strenuous physical activities like running or gymming for the first couple of weeks.
Medicines: Do not consume over-the-counter available pills or dietary supplements without consulting your doctor.
Compression clothing: Wear compression clothing prescribed by doctor to avoid possibility of swelling.
Doctor’s instructions need to be followed: Follow the instructions given by the doctor carefully to prevent any post-operative complications.
Blood-thinners: Avoid medication that could lead to blood thinning.
Diet: Make the habit of having nutritious food at proper intervals. Avoid high calorie foods as much as possible. Those foods will only make you put on weight what was lost through surgery.
Risks and Complications
Lipoma is an outpatient procedure that is commonly opted by both men and women. It is a popular procedure among women as it refines their figure and does contouring in a more aesthetic way. Nevertheless, it comes with its own set of risks and complications. Few of them are as mentioned below:
Blood clots: Formation of blood clots after surgery and those that spread to other parts of the body are extremely dangerous.
Scalded skin: This is skin and tissues under the skin which is treated. Heat generated with the help of ultrasound is capable to cause damage and burning to healthy skin. Lipoma surgery in Hyderabad
Fat embolism: Fat deposits that get carried away and get stuck in blood vessels is known as fat embolism. They may enter sensitive organs like brain or lungs and may lead to cardiovascular complications.
Lumping: Lumps can occur in the body if excessive fat is removed during surgery. The risks increase with the increasing volume of fatty area.
Infections: Infections because of bacteria or microorganisms entering the body, after incision is made for surgery, is quite possible during Lipoma.
Irritation because of lidocaine: Lidocaine is a medication contained in the general anesthetic agent. It can cause irritation and reaction in some people. Also, there could be complications occurring because of anesthesia. Allergic reactions to anesthetic agents may cause more complications.
Loose skin: In most people, the operated skin goes back to its original self. But in some, the skin does not retract and becomes baggy.
Fluid buildup: Fluid build up in lungs is another complication that may occur due to injection of inappropriate amounts of fluid during surgery.
No uniformity: Chances of uneven fat removal and disproportionate fat removal can also be another risk that cannot be denied; probably if an inexperienced plastic surgeon is chosen.
Damage due to cannula: Very rarely, internal organ damage can happen during insertion of cannula. It can be avoided if proper care is exercised by surgeon.
Other complications: Other minor complications like swelling, bruising, loss of sensation around operated area are temporary and go away in few days time.
srikanth thodeti
★★★★★ a day ago
★★★★★ a day ago
Just got varicose veins treatment in done 2days back…
I’m completely satisfied..
Doctor explains everything and fully experienced.
Cost includes everything so we need not pay anything extra…
Staff is too good..
If u are looking for Lipoma surgery cost in Hyderabad just reach out to without any second thought .
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✅About us
Lipoma surgery in Hyderabad Hospital offers Multispeciality treatment and facilities on par with the best available globally. From a 24-hour ambulance service, pharmacy and diagnostic centre, to specialised services and more.
✅Contact Info
Landmark: Hyderabad, Telangana 9963169596
I’m completely satisfied..
Doctor explains everything and fully experienced.
Cost includes everything so we need not pay anything extra…
Staff is too good..
If u are looking for Lipoma surgery cost in Hyderabad just reach out to without any second thought .
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Madhu Sudhan
★★★★★ a day ago
★★★★★ a day ago
They have advanced operations theaters with robotic and minimal access surgery features for advanced surgical interventions here.
They will recommend surgery for you depending on your condition and will help you with that problem.
Mediclaim Availability: They have partnered with many insurance companies and ensure good health for you.
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They will recommend surgery for you depending on your condition and will help you with that problem.
Mediclaim Availability: They have partnered with many insurance companies and ensure good health for you.
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- 24×7 ICU
- 23+ Years of Experience
- 3500+ Rhinoplasty in Hyderabad
- 900+ Facial cases
- Affordable cost
- Top rated cosmetic surgery centre
- Board certified plastic surgeons
- Attached diagnostics
- Full Body Lipoma (One Sitting )
✅About us
Lipoma surgery in Hyderabad Hospital offers Multispeciality treatment and facilities on par with the best available globally. From a 24-hour ambulance service, pharmacy and diagnostic centre, to specialised services and more.
✅Contact Info
Landmark: Hyderabad, Telangana 9963169596
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