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IIH Treatment in Hyderabad


Pseudotumor Brain (SOO-doe-too-mur SER-uh-bry) occurs when the pressure in your skull (intracranial pressure) increases for no apparent reason. It is also known as idiopathic intracranial hypertension.

The symptoms mimic those of a brain tumor. The increased intracranial pressure can lead to swelling of the optic nerve and loss of vision. Medication can often reduce this pressure and headache, but surgery is required in some cases. IIH Treatment in Nizamabad


Pseudotumor signs and symptoms of the brain can include:

The reasons

The cause of the pseudotumor in the brain is unknown. If a cause is identified, the condition is referred to as secondary intracranial hypertension rather than idiopathic.

Your brain and spinal cord are surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid, which protects these vital tissues from injury. This fluid is produced in the brain and eventually absorbed into the bloodstream at a rate that generally allows the pressure in your brain to remain constant. IIH Treatment in Nizamabad

Risk factors

The following factors have been linked to pseudotumor in the brain:

Growth hormone
Too much vitamin A.
Health problems
The diseases and conditions that have been associated with secondary intracranial hypertension include:

Addison’s disease
Bleeding disorders

In some people with a pseudotumor in the brain, their eyesight deteriorates further, leading to blindness.

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