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Ice cream headaches Treatment in Hyderabad


Ice cream headaches are brief, throbbing headaches that may occur when you eat, drink, or inhale something cold. Biting into an ice cream cone is a common trigger, but eating or drinking other frozen products like popsicles and frozen slush drinks can have the same “brain freeze” effect.

Officially known as cold stimulation headache, it can also occur when you suddenly expose your unprotected head to cold temperatures, such as by diving in cold water.

The good news: Most ice cream headaches go away as quickly as they develop. Ice cream headaches Treatment in Nizamabad


Ice cream headache symptoms include:

The reasons

Ice cream headaches are caused either by exposing your head to sudden, extreme cold or by moving something cold on the roof of your mouth and throat, such as: B. when you eat something quickly, eat ice cream or swallow a cold drink. Scientists are unsure of the exact mechanism causing this pain.

One theory is that the cold temporarily changes the blood flow in your nervous system, causing brief headaches. The blood vessels narrow to prevent loss of body heat and then relax again to allow blood flow to increase. This leads to an explosion of pain that subsides once the body gets used to the change in temperature. Ice cream headaches Treatment in Nizamabad

Risk factors

Ice heads can affect anyone. But you may be more prone to ice cream headaches or have more severe ice cream headaches if you are prone to migraines.


The best way to avoid ice cream headaches is to avoid cold foods or drinks, or the cold that causes them. Ice cream headaches Treatment in Nizamabad

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