Hair Transplant  

A Hair Transplant is a permanent solution for hair loss, where healthy hair follicles are extracted from a donor area (usually the back of the scalp) and transplanted to bald or thinning areas. Advanced techniques like FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) ensure natural results with minimal downtime.

  Eyebrow Hair Transplant  

An Eyebrow Hair Transplant helps restore or enhance thin, over-plucked, or naturally sparse eyebrows. Hair follicles from the scalp are meticulously implanted in the eyebrow region to create a natural shape and density. The procedure gives permanent, natural-looking eyebrows that can be shaped as desired.

  Beard Hair Transplant  

A Beard Hair Transplant is a cosmetic procedure to enhance or restore patchy or thin facial hair. Using FUE technique, hair follicles from the scalp are transplanted to the beard, mustache, or sideburns to create a fuller, natural-looking beard. The results are permanent and allow for normal shaving and styling.

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Hair Transplant: Top 10 Useful Tips

Hair Transplant Surgery cost in warangal

What is Hair Transplant Surgery?

Hair transplantation may be a surgical technique that removes hair follicles from one a part of the body, called the ‘donor site’, to a bald or balding a part of the body referred to as the ‘recipient site’. The technique is primarily wont to treat male pattern baldness.


The price of a hair transplant will depend largely on the quantity of hair you’re moving, but it generally ranges from $4,000 to $15,000. Most insurance plans don’t cover it.


Swelling of the scalp.
Bruising round the eyes.
A crust that forms on the areas of the scalp where hair was removed or implanted.
Numbness or lack of sensation on the treated areas of the scalp.
Inflammation or infection of the hair follicles, which is understood as folliculitis.


People typically lose about 100 hairs each day . This usually doesn’t cause noticeable thinning of scalp hair because new hair is growing in at an equivalent time. Hair loss occurs when this cycle of hair growth and shedding is disrupted or when the follicle is destroyed and replaced with connective tissue .

Today most of the people are facing acute hair loss problem. The most important cause related to hair loss is genetics and the only treatment is permanent transplant surgery. However, before going for a permanent transplant one should consider these tips.

Learn about today’s best transplantation procedure: Before going for hair transplantation do a research by yourself.

You must know about modern hair transplantation procedures like ultra refined grafting, ultra refined follicular unit grafting, micrograft transplant and follicular unit transplantation.

2) Consult with patients: You should discuss with other patients about the procedure of transplantation, merits and demerits of any selected procedure and reputation of the clinic. For this propose you can even use Internet.

3) Choose a surgeon carefully: talent, skill and experience of hair transplant surgeons vary and these get reflected in their works. So choose a surgeon very carefully.

4) Cost of hair transplant procedure: Hair transplant cost depends upon the amount of micrograft transplantation and this differs from centers to centers. If you look for a sophisticated one with fewer invasions, better results and in less time, you might have to pay more. If you are on a tight budget you should opt for an affordable hair transplant.

5) Frontal hair transplants: Today most of the people face frontal hair loss problem. A surgical intervention known as frontal hair transplants can help you overcome this.

6) Be cautious of fake hair growth products: Be aware of hair growth product like “snake oils,” as these are not certified by FDA and have no significant contribution to hair growth.

7) Post surgical care: Post surgical care includes vitamin supplements, minerals, balanced diet and volumizing shampoos.

8) Don’t divert your mind on myths: Mal nutrition, allergy, or tensions are not among the cause of hair loss. These are just myths. Just go for a permanent hair transplant if you are facing hair loss problem.

9) Tulsa hair transplant center is among the best hair transplant centers. You should consult their surgeons for permanent hair transplant. You can even contact online.

10) Try to know about follicle isolation technique of permanent hair transplant. It leaves no scar on scalp. If it suits your pocket, it is among the best permanent hair transplant methods.

Hair Transplant Treatment Cashless Treatment:

Hair Transplant Treatment in Hyderabad

Hair Transplant Treatment Hair Transplant Treatment Cost in Hyderabad
Clinics and Hospitals offering ‘Hair Transplant Treatment’ : Hair Transplant surgery in Hyderabad

Hair Transplant Treatment by Trichos Hair Transplant Institute and Research Center

Address: Plot No 72, 1st Floor, Above Vision Express, Opposite Bajaj Electronics

Estimation: FUE Hair Transplant Cost: 29000.00
Estimation: Beard & Mustache Hair Transpalnt Cost: 45000.00
Estimation: BIO-FUE Hair Transplant Cost: 45000.00

Hair Transplant Treatment by Redefine plastic treatment center

Address: 3rd floor, B/O Omni hospital, axis bank building , Kothapet x roads , dilshuknagar

Cost: 75000.00

Hair Transplant Treatment by Kosmoderma Skin and Hair Clinics (Hyderabad)

Address: Plot No 12, C/o Mother Hood, Banjara Hills

Estimation: HT Per Follicle – Approximate price Cost: 53.00
Estimation: HT 2500 Follicles – Approximate price Cost: 130000.00
Estimation: HT 3000 Follicles – Approximate price Cost: 265000.00

Hair Transplant Treatment by RichFeel Trichology Centre (Banjara Hills)

Address: 8-2-598/A/2, Plot No. 484, Road No. 10

Cost: 49500.00

Hair Transplant Treatment by Dr. YV Raos Hair Transplant And Cosmetic Treatment Centre

Address: Road No 2, behind Second Skin

Estimation: Per Graft Cost: 40.00
Estimation: FUE Method (Per Graft) Cost: 60.00

Hair Transplant Treatment by Eternesse Anti Aging Clinic (Jubilee Hills)

Address: Plot No. 343/A, Road No. 10

Cost: 35000.00

Hair Transplant Treatment by Dr. Venus Institute of Skin and Hair

Address: 1st Floor, Gangaram Cross Roads, Above Khazana Jewellery, Beside My Home Jewels

Cost: 100000.00

Hair Transplant Treatment by Dr. Ashoks Hair Transplant Clinic

Address: 326, Lakshmi Nilayam

Cost: 40000.00

Hair Transplant Treatment by Cosmo Clinic

Address: Plot No 101, 1st Floor, Malik Chambers, Main Road, Near Hyderguda Petrol Pump, Opposite Swati Restaurant

Estimation: Per Graft Cost: 35.00

Hair Transplant Treatment by Hair Budds Advanced Hair Transplantation Centre

Address: Plot No 2, 3rd Floor, Survery No 64/1, Krithika Lay Out

Cost: 80000.00

Hair Transplant Treatment by Trulife Diagnostics

Address: Shop No. 9-4-87/B/14, MD Lines, Moti Darwaza Road, Minar Colony, MD Lines

Cost: 2000.00 Hair Transplant surgery in Hyderabad

Hair Transplant Treatment Cost
How Does Hair Transplantation Work?

After hair transplant care is an important subject that patients who undergo a hair transplant procedure need to know and follow religiously.

All patients who had a hair transplant surgery using a strip technique usually leave our hair transplant center with a bandage around their head. The bandage is used only to support the newly closed donor wound on the back of scalp. Patients are given prescription for pain and anti-inflammatory medications for first few days after surgery. The first night after hair transplant surgery, patient needs to be cautious not to rub or scratch the transplanted area. It is recommend that all patients take it easy for the first days and avoid heavy physical exercises.

Those patients need to come back for physician evaluation and hair wash the day after surgery. During this first visit, the bandage is removed and donor wound and the transplanted hair is assessed. The donor and recipient areas need to be washed very carefully while teaching the patient how to wash it at home during day two to four after hair transplantation. Hair wash after hair transplant surgery needs to be done twice a day with a special method to minimize the probability of dislodging the grafts. Patients ask if they can skip washing hair within the first few days to avoid damaging the grafts. The answer is “No”. Hair wash is a key step in hair transplant care that guaranties the normal growth of the transplanted hair follicular grafts.

We have a few restrictions in patient’s activities after hair transplants. Some clinics recommend very strict rules for physical activities. It is preferred that patient keeps his normal daily activities with some minor limitations. The activities that add to the tension of the wound edges at donor area should be avoided for the first four weeks after surgery. Those activities are: extreme bending of neck and heavy weight lifting.

Hair Transplant patients need to go back to hair transplant clinic at day ten after hair transplant surgery to remove the staples (for patients who had strip surgery and donor is closed with metal staples) and to reevaluate the donor and recipient area. For the patients who have their donor closed with absorbable sutures, it is recommended to be seen in ten days to assess the healthiness of recipient and donor area, which includes patient’s who had FUE, eyebrow hair transplant, hair transplant repair or body hair transplants. All follow up visits are included in the initial cost of hair transplant surgery and patients won’t be charged for any follow up visits.

Hair restoration surgery patient should avoid direct sun exposure to the recipient area for about six months after follicular unit transplant surgery. Extreme and direct sun exposure may harm the growing grafts. Sun contact may also cause skin changing the skin color.

The final follow up appointment for their after hair transplant care is between months ten to eleven after their hair transplant surgery, when transplanted hair grows to its final thickness and length. At last session Dr. Parsa Mohebi evaluates the transplanted hair grafts and assesses the finial size and condition of donor scar. This visit is a good time for patients who want to consider a repeat surgery to increase the density of hair or cover the areas that has not been completely covered with first hair transplant surgery due to the limited scalp laxity or extended balding area. All patients who are planning for a repeat surgery do not have to wait that long and a repeat surgery could be done any time after month 5 after the initial hair transplant procedure.

10 Common Myths About Hair Transplants

When looking into getting a hair transplant, you might hear information about the procedure from many sources, and some of them will be myths. In order to avoid being sucked into these myths and not getting the full story, here’s 10 myths that you might hear about hair transplants.

1. Hair transplants are expensive.

Hair transplants are not expensive when you look at the long benefits of them. Once you get a hair transplant, it’s permanent and you will benefit from the hair regrowth for the rest of your life. It turns out that having a hair transplant can be cheaper than taking medicines for years in an attempt to keep and regrow hair.

2. It’s easy to tell if someone has had a transplant.

It may have been true that it was easy to tell if someone had hair plugs put into them in years past. Now, with the new techniques, it is very difficult to tell if someone has had one or not.

3. A hair transplant isn’t permanent.

A transplant is a permanent surgical procedure that will last the rest of your life. It’s as permanent as the hair on the sides and back of your head that is transplanted.

4. It’s better to get it done when your baldness first starts.

Actually, research has shown that it is better to wait until a pattern develops so that the doctors are able to be better tell which hair is more likely to be good candidates for transplantation.

5. A transplant is painful.

All surgical procedures are painful. Thankfully, new advances in surgical technology have reduced considerably the pain associated with hair transplantation.

6. Everyone can one.

Not everyone is a good candidate for a hair transplant. First, you do need an acceptable hair donor area that has enough hair area to be grafted. Secondly, you need to have a healthy scalp.

7. A transplant is reversible.

A hair transplant is not reversible without a lot of surgery and why would you want to reverse it? Remove your great looking hair? You don’t have to worry about your hair going away. It’s there to stay.

8. Someone else’s hair can be used in the transplant.

No, a hair transplant just transplants healthy hair from one part of your scalp to the area that is balding. The hair continues to grow in its new home and you have a healthy head of hair. No worries about getting someone else’s dandruff.

9. Hair transplants can fall out.

Transplants do not fall out. Since it is a surgical procedure, the hair grafts are surgically put into place so that they are permanent.

10. Hair transplants are maintenance intensive

Transplants are no more maintenance intensive than your normal hair. You will probably want to take care of your hair better than you have before, but that choice is up to you.


Hair Transplant Procedures & Costs

Hair loss due to androgenetic alopecia or pattern baldness is a condition that affects both men and women. Surgical hair transplantation is the only solution for restoring the lost hair in pattern baldness when medical hair restoration does not offer you a good hair re-growth.

If you have well-defined and clearly established areas or patterns of baldness on the crown with healthy dense coverage of hair at the sides and the back of the head, you are probably suitable for a hair transplant surgery. Hair that is transplanted in the frontal region of the skull generally offers the best results. However, a hair transplant procedure can also be carried out on any other area of your head if you have some bald patch there.

It is best to have detailed information about the hair transplant procedure before you make plans to undergo a surgery. It is only after you have read through all the information that you can understand and appreciate the significance of surgical hair restoration. The information will also help you decider whether you are the right candidate for the hair transplant surgery.

Now that you are well informed, you would probably think whether the hair transplantation is at all affordable? Hair transplant cost varies depending upon your past medical history, the degree and extent of your hair loss, possibility of medical hair restoration as an adjunct for surgical hair restoration, number of sessions that would will be required for hair transplant surgery, etc. It is after placing due considerations to these factors that your hair restoration surgeon will be able to chalk out an affordable hair transplant treatment plan for you.


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Male Hair Transplant
Female Hair Transplant
Facial – Beard Hair Transplant
Eyebrow Hair Transplant


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