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Fiberoadenoma surgery in Cuddalore

cost Fiberoadenoma surgery in Cuddalore

What is a fibroadenoma?

Fiberoadenoma surgery in Cuddalore often develop during puberty so are mostly found in young women, but they will occur in women of any age. Men also can get fibroadenomas, but this is often very rare.

Symptoms of fibroadenoma

Fiberoadenoma surgery in Cuddalore Fiberoadenoma surgery in Cuddalore
A fibroadenoma is typically felt as a lump within the breast which is smooth to the touch and moves easily under the skin.

Fibroadenomas are usually painless, but sometimes they’ll feel tender or maybe painful, particularly just before a period. Fiberoadenoma surgery in Cuddalore

MS (Gen Surgery), M.Ch (Plastic Surgery) 23years of Experience
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500+ Fiberoadenoma surgery in Cuddalore


Types of fibroadenoma

Fiberoadenoma surgery in Cuddalore
1.Simple fibroadenoma:

Most fibroadenomas are about 1 to 3cm in size and are called as simple fibroadenomas. When checked out under a microscope, simple fibroadenomas will look an equivalent everywhere .

Simple fibroadenomas don’t increase the danger of developing carcinoma within the future.

2.Complex fibroadenoma:

Some fibroadenomas are called complex fibroadenomas. When these are checked out under a microscope, a number of the cells have different features.

Having a posh fibroadenoma can very slightly increase the danger of developing carcinoma within the future.

3.Giant or juvenile fibroadenoma:

Occasionally, a fibroadenoma can grow to quite 5cm and should be called an enormous fibroadenoma. Those found in teenage girls could also be called juvenile fibroadenomas.
Causes of fibroadenoma:
Fiberoadenoma Fiberoadenoma surgery in Cuddalore surgery in Cuddalore

It’s not known what causes a fibroadenoma. It’s thought that it probably occurs due to increased sensitivity to the hormone osteogeny. Fiberoadenoma surgery in Cuddalore

Breasts are made from lobules and ducts. These are surrounded by glandular, fibrous and adipose tissue . This tissue gives breasts their size and shape.

Fibroadenomas develop from a lobule. The glandular tissue and ducts grow over the lobule and form a solid lump.



If you discover a breast lump, see your GP. They are likely to refer you to a breast clinic where you’ll be seen by specialist doctors or nurses.

At the breast clinic you’ll have a variety of tests. These may include:
  • A mammogram (breast x-ray)
  • An ultrasound scan (using sound waves to supply an image)
  • A core biopsy (using a hollow needle to require a sample of breast tissue to be checked out under a microscope) Fiberoadenoma surgery in Cuddalore
  • A fine needle aspiration (FNA) (using a fine needle and syringe to require a sample of cells to be checked out under a microscope)
  • Fibroadenomas are often easier to spot in younger ladies . If you’re in your early 20s or younger, your fibroadenoma could also be diagnosed with a breast examination and ultrasound only. However, if there’s any uncertainty about the diagnosis, a core biopsy or FNA are going to be done.

If you’re under 40, you’re more likely to possess an ultrasound than a mammogram. Younger women’s breast tissue are often dense which may make the x-ray image less clear so normal changes or benign breast conditions are often harder to spot . However, for a few women under 40, mammograms should be needed to finish the assessment.

Treatment and follow-up:

In most cases you’ll not need any treatment or follow-up if you’ve got a fibroadenoma. Usually you’ll only be asked to travel back to your GP or the breast clinic if it gets bigger otherwise you notice a change.

Most fibroadenomas stay an equivalent size. Some get smaller and a few eventually disappear over time. little number of fibroadenomas get bigger, particularly those in teenage girls. Fibroadenomas also can get bigger during pregnancy and breastfeeding or while taking hormone replacement therapy, but usually reduce in size again afterwards.


Surgery: Fiberoadenoma surgery in Cuddalore

Sometimes an operation, called an excision biopsy, is required to get rid of a fibroadenoma if it’s an outsized , complex or juvenile fibroadenoma. you’ll also ask to possess a fibroadenoma removed. this is often usually performed under general anesthetic.

Your surgeon may use dissolvable stitches placed under the skin which can not got to be removed. However, if a non-dissolvable stitch is employed , they’ll got to be taken out a few week after surgery. You’ll tend information about taking care of the wound before you allow hospital.


Staying breast aware: Fiberoadenoma surgery in Cuddalore

  • For most women, having a fibroadenoma doesn’t increase the danger of developing carcinoma .
  • If you were diagnosed with a posh fibroadenoma, you’ll be worried that your risk is extremely slightly increased. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll develop carcinoma within the future.
  • It’s important to still be breast aware and return to your GP if you notice any changes in your breasts, no matter how soon these occur after your diagnosis of a fibroadenoma.

Cost of surgery

Evaluating your enlarged Breast condition Based on the evaluation the Fibroadenoma Surgery Cost may vary between
* Starting Stage ✅ Rs 18,000/- + TO 85,000/- India Pay in ✅ EMI (Monthly) Option Available and ✅Insurance
* Limitations Apart from normal risks associated with cosmetic surgery during recovery you may witness  

Risk Factors

Fibroadenomas are commonest in women who are in age between 15 and 30 years old and in pregnant women.1 Fibroadenomas occur in 10% of all women and in 20% of African-American women specifically. Fiberoadenoma surgery in Cuddalore

Once you hit menopause, your risk goes down unless you are using estrogen therapy.

A non-cancerous breast tumour that most often occurs in young women.

Reproductive hormones can cause fibroadenomas.
  1. A fibroadenoma feels like a firm, smooth, or rubbery lump in the breast with a well-defined shape. It’s painless and moves easily when touched. Although healthy breast tissue can often feel lumpy, a doctor should examine a new lump or change in the breast.
  2. Treatment may include monitoring for changes in size or feeling, a biopsy for assessment, or surgery to remove it. Fiberoadenoma surgery in Cuddalore

Need a medical diagnosis

A fibroadenoma looks like a firm, smooth, or rubbery lump in the breast with a well-defined shape. It is painless and moves easily to the touch. Although healthy breast tissue is often lumpy, a doctor should look at a new lump or change in the breast.

Treatment depends on severity

Treatment may include monitoring for changes in size or sensation, a biopsy for evaluation, or surgery to remove it.


Fibroadenomas (fy-broe-ad-uh-NO-muhz) are firm, non-cancerous breast lumps that are more common in women between the ages of 15 and 35.

A fibroadenoma can be firm, smooth, rubbery, or hard to the touch and has a well-defined shape. Usually painless, it looks like marble in your chest and moves slightly under your skin during the exam. Fibroadenomas vary in size and can grow or shrink on their own.

Fibroadenomas are one of the most common non-cancerous (benign) breast lumps in young women. Treatment may include monitoring to detect changes in size or feeling, a biopsy to assess the lump, or surgery to remove the lump.


Fibroadenomas are firm breast lumps that:
  • Round with clear, smooth edges
  • Easy to move
  • Solid or rubbery
  • Painless
  • You may have one or more fibroadenomas in one or both breasts.

When to see a doctor

In healthy women, normal breast tissue is often lumpy. Make an appointment with your doctor if:
  • You recognize a new breast mass
  • You notice other changes in your breasts
  • A breast lump that you checked earlier has grown or changed and appears to be separated from the surrounding breast tissue


The cause of fibroadenomas is unknown, but they may be related to reproductive hormones. Fibroadenomas are more common during your childbearing years, can get bigger during pregnancy or with hormone treatment, and may decrease after menopause if hormone levels decline.

Types of fibroadenomas

In addition to simple fibroadenomas, there are:
  • Complex fibroadenomas. These can include changes such as: B. an overgrowth of cells (hyperplasia) which can develop rapidly. A pathologist makes a diagnosis of complex fibroadenoma after examining the tissue with a biopsy.
  • Juvenile fibroadenomas. This is the most common type of breast lump in girls and adolescents aged 10 to 18. These fibroadenomas can become large, but most will shrink over time and some will disappear.
  • Huge fibroadenomas. These can be larger than 5cm. They may need to be removed as they may support or replace other breast tissue.
  • Phyllodes tumor. Although generally benign, some phyllodes tumors can turn cancerous (malignant). Doctors generally recommend removing them.

How do fibroadenomas affect your risk for breast cancer?

Simple fibroadenomas do not appear to increase the risk of breast cancer significantly, if at all. Complex fibroadenomas appear to increase the risk slightly more than simple fibroadenomas.

treatment Fiberoadenoma surgery in Cuddalore

Many doctors recommend removing fibroadenomas, especially if they continue to grow or change the shape of the breast, to make sure the cancer is not causing the changes.

Sometimes these tumors stop growing or shrinking on their own without treatment. As long as doctors are sure the masses are fibroadenomas and not breast cancer, they can be left in place and monitored to make sure they are not growing. This approach is useful for women with many fibroadenomas that do not grow. In such cases, removing them can mean removing a lot of normal breast tissue nearby, which will lead to scarring that changes the shape and texture of the breast. It could also make future mammograms difficult to read.

It is important for women with fibroadenomas to have regular breast exams or imaging tests to make sure the fibroadenomas are not growing.

Sometimes one or more new fibroadenomas may appear after it is removed. This means another fibroadenoma has formed – it does not mean the old one has returned.

Treatment of Breast Fibroadenoma

Breast fibroadenomas are at least ten times more common than breast cancer. They are benign tumors in the breast which present as smooth mobile swellings to the patient. Often they are spherical or oval in shape. They can be tender to touch at times. In recent years, thanks to the popularity of screening ultrasound scans and mammograms, a lot of fibroadenomas present as non-palpable (cannot be felt) lesions detected by imaging techniques. “How to treat a breast fibroadenoma” is a common question posed to many patients and their attending doctors.

While some controversies remain, most surgeons will advise establishing a diagnosis by means of “fine needle aspiration cytology” under ultrasound guidance (involving a radiologist to image the mass and putting a fine needle in it and get cells out for examination by a pathologist). Even though the test is not 100% fool-proof in excluding cancers, the chance of missing the diagnosis of breast cancer is very low. Bearing the small chance in mind, the surgeon can then advise on further treatment on the basis of the working diagnosis of “a benign breast tumor, likely fibroadenoma”.

Fibroadenoma Fact and Fiction

You wake up one morning and freak out–there’s a lump in your breast. You’ve read all of the stories and seen all of the news reports. The big C word comes to mind. You know that most women who get breast cancer are older than 40 and you are in your 30s. But your mind races to your friends’ faces, friends who have had mastectomies while they were younger than 40…and who had no family history of the disease.

Your insides feel squishy but your heart rate is soaring. You try to calm yourself as, with your hands shaking, you dial your OB-GYN. Fiberoadenoma surgery in Cuddalore “I found a lump,” you say. “I need to see you today.” And your doctor, who understands what you are going through, asks you to come in right away.

After seeing the doctor, you are sent for a sonogram or maybe a mammogram, or maybe even both. The lump is solid, but it moves when manipulated by the doctor’s fingers. She is certain it is not a cyst, since it is too solid and the attempt at needle aspiration didn’t work.

The core-needle biopsy comes next. You waver between negative thoughts and positive ones, on an emotional roller coaster. Your friends and family assure you everything will be fine. You wish you could be so certain. Fiberoadenoma surgery in Cuddalore

But the call the next day is better than expected–no cancer. What you have is a fibroadenoma, a firm, non-cancerous tumor of the gland. You’ll have to go back to the doctor’s or breast center for repeated ultrasounds, about every six months, to check its status and so the doctors can keep track of its growth rate. The doctors seem to be taking a “wait and see approach”, which you aren’t sure is re-assuring; but you try to convince yourself, if they aren’t worried, you shouldn’t be either. 

Over the next few weeks, you search the Net to learn all you can. WebMD says it is smooth, round and painless. You disagree, especially around your period when the tumor downright hurts. Fiberoadenoma surgery in Cuddalore

  Fibroadenoma surgery in Cuddalore