What is Beard Hair Transplant?
A beard is the hair that grows on the chin, upper lip, cheeks and neck of humans and some non-human animals. In humans, usually only pubescent or adult males are able to grow beards.
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Beard Hair Transplant Cost?
The average cost of Beard Hair Transplant is 15,000/- to 85,000/- (Pay in Monthly or Credit Card) according to 2020 statistics from the India Society of Plastic Surgeons. Beard Hair costs can widely vary. The average fee referenced above is only part of the total cost – it does not include anesthesia, operating room facilities or other related expenses.In India the cost ranges from Depending on the amount Hair Transplant and Grades, However, the sculpting needed, the technology used, and other miscellaneous expenses.
✅ Pay in Monthly Option Available and ✅ Insurance ✅ Cashless ✅ 50% Get Low-Cost

Before and After of Beard
How long does Beard Hair Transplant Surgery Take?
The Beard Hair Transplant Treatment operation can take about 1 to 8 hours, depending on the complexity of the operation. Recovery lasts up to 4 weeks after 1 to 3 days at the clinic after surgery.
- 1-2 hour surgery
- 4-5 hour post-surgery recovery in the hospital
- Discharge by the end of day
- Full Recovery within 30 days
- Rhinoplasty Treatment Cost
- We will advise you the cost after

- MS (Gen Surgery), M.Ch (Plastic Surgery)
- (NIMS) Consultant Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Department Of Plastic & Reconstruction Surgery Plastic Surgeon, ✅ 22 Years Experience
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- Dr. has several scientific presentations and publications to his credit. MS (Gen Surgery), M.Ch (Plastic Surgery) (NIMS) Consultant Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery
- Department Of Plastic & Reconstruction Surgery Plastic Surgeon

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Is beard hair good for hair transplant?
Using the beard as donor hair helps the surgeon preserve donor hair on the traditional scalp safe zone for more critical areas such as frontal hairline, temporal points and eyebrowsHow much does a beard hair transplant cost?
EThe cost of the procedure ranges from $3,000 for partial beard implants for patients with patchy beards to $7,000 for full beards for patients who can’t grow a beard at all.
Duration of beard Hair surgery (Hair Transpalnt)
The Safe Cosmetic Procedure Comprises
- 1 hour surgery
- 4-5 hour post-surgery recovery in the hospital
- Discharge by the end of day
- Full recovery within 30 days
- Hair Treatment Cost
- We will advise you the cost after

★★★★★ a day ago
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And Today I’m going to show You the Imp
13 Exact Information about Hair Treatment
1. Know about Beard Hair Transplant Overview?
2. What causes Beard Hair ?
3. How do you know if you have Symptoms Beard Hair?
4. When to See a Doctor?
5. What are the Medications?
6. Health conditions of Patients?
7. What are the major risk factors?
8. How to Prevent?
9. How much cost of Treatment?
10. Duration of Beard Treatment?
11. Benefits after Hair surgery?
12. Doctor experience for Beard Hair Care?
13. Types and chest Grade?

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Tips for Better Beard Growth and Beard MaintenanceHave you ever noticed that some guys just have amazing beards?! Sometimes I see a guy with a magnificent beard and I instantly get jealous. I have discovered that guys with magnificent beards actually spend time grooming their beard. There are some things to learn about growing a better beard and if you follow these simple beard growth and beard maintenance tips then you could quite possibly grow the best beard of your life.
Watch Your Diet
Your body needs to certain vitamins and minerals to stay health and strong so it only makes sense that you beard needs to get proper nutrition. When growing a beard, your hair can sometimes get dry and your skin can get flaky which can cause beard itch and beard dandruff. Getting the proper nutrients will help to moisturize your beard hair and also the skin underneath.Take Supplements
Not everyone eats super healthy. You may or may not be getting some of the key nutrients your beard needs to grow at its full potential. I suggest taking a multivitamin to supplement for any vitamins and minerals that you may not be getting from the food you eat. Biotin is also a very good supplement to aid in faster beard growth. Biotin aids in helping your hair grow quickly, it also can make your nails grow quicker so keep some nail clippers close by.Increase Testosterone
I think that all men would like to increase their testosterone. Well, luckily you can increase your testosterone and it is very simple. The easiest way to increase your testosterone is my lifting weights. Go to the gym, pick up heavy things and then put them back down. Cardio is good for your body but lifting heavy weights is the way to go for this tip.Condition Your Beard
Conditioning is a part of beard maintenance and beard maintenance is important. There are a few ways to condition the beard. The best way to condition your beard is to use a product that is specifically formulated for beard care like beard oil or beard balm. Look for a product that is all natural and free of preservatives. Look at the ingredients list and make sure you can easily understand the ingredients. Also, look for products that use essential oils for their scent and not fragrances.Top 3 Tips for Beard Hygiene
1. Wash it
As a beardsman your facial hair is going to get grimy from time to time. If left unaddressed, the build up of daily grit and naturally occurring skin oil (sebum) could wreak havoc on the skin beneath your beard, potentially leading to skin irritation or a break out of spots. That’s why the first and most important tip for a healthy beard is to wash it!
To begin your beard cleanse, it’s important to wash it with water. But be selective with your water temperature. Cold water might not be the best choice, as tends to reduce the effectiveness of your beard wash. And very hot water dries out hair follicles. Like Goldilocks, the perfect temperature is in the middle. Lukewarm water enhances blood circulation and opens pores, ensuring that every wash is effective.
Pro tip: Avoid washing your beard with body washes, face washes or regular soap. These cleansers are too strong and tend to strip your beard of its natural oils and awesomeness. Try using a mild soap, cleanser or beard wash instead. They’re designed to gently clean and maintain your fuzz, while energizing the skin beneath your beard.
2. Moisturise it
Harsh weather conditions tend to drain natural oils from your face, leading to dry and split ended beard hairs. To keep your beard soft and healthy consider using a moisturizer or beard oil (Beard oils have been used for centuries to help mimic natural skin oil). Of course you could use natural oils too. For instance coconut oil is known widely for its ability to moisturise and nourish hair and skin.
Pro tip: Did you know beard balm is also an excellent way to moisturise and nourish your beard. High quality balms contain some of the best natural ingredients around including coconut oil, Shea butter and vitamin E. These ingredients are included to not only feed those facial follicles and nourish the skin but also tame stray hairs and shape your beard.
3. Trim it
Another way to keep your beard healthy is to groom it regularly. Grooming and maintenance might not be your thing but it helps tame those split ends..and women dig it.
5 Beard Care Tips For a Healthy and Natural Facial Hair
Ever have the feeling that you’re being poked – no, not by any external objects, but by your own beard? Especially prevalent with new growth – small, razor sharp follicles pierce the skin mercilessly.Consider it a right of passage into beardhood. No pain, no gain. But you can have a little help on your own side. Even long-time beard keepers experience itching, scratching or dry skin.
The trick is – whether you are a newbie or a veteran – to respect the beard. Treat it at least as importantly as you would the hair on your head. So there are a couple of steps involved here.
First – when you shower wash your facial hair – treat it nicely, lather it up, massage, get the oils and dirt trapped below and rinse it out.
Second – when you get out of the shower use a comb with narrow teeth and brush your beard hair downwards while it is still wet. Make sure to clear out tangles, and groom it nicely.
Thirdly – apply an oil or a conditioner – if you have something especially formulated for beards, all the more better, and work it evenly into your facial hair.
Fourth – resist the urge to scratch your beard like it’s the world’s most itchiest place. Learn to ignore or use a soft cloth to take care of your itch instead of digging your nails into it.
Fifth – relax – your beard can grow naturally and easily, you don’t need to look after it every second. Every other day is a good schedule. Don’t over-brush, don’t over do it. Take it easy.
Basics of Hair Transplantation
Hair transplantation is a cosmetic surgery that is done to give a permanent solution to hair loss problem that has become a traumatic issue for both men and women these days. The process is the outcome of the incredible advancements in science and technology. Today, the transplantation surgery has become one of the most lucrative businesses and is growing exponentially across the globe.
The process mainly involves extracting and fixing of hair follicles from one part of the body to the bald areas. Hair follicles are extracted and are then examined under stereoscopic dissecting microscope. Then these are dissected into tiny grafts and are then implanted on the bald regions. The entire process takes place under local anesthesia using small needles to numb the scalp. Over a period of time these grafts grow into the most natural hairs that successfully complete the hair restoration process.
Hair can be harvested and transplanted with either strip transplantation or follicular unit extraction. In strip harvesting technique a strip of the scalp is removed and then the wound is sewn back. The cut strip is examined under a microscope and then dissected into small grafts. These grafts are then transplanted into the bald regions of the scalp. On the other hand, in follicular unit extraction method, hair follicles are removed and then reinserted back in to the scalp.
Four Easy Steps to Growing a Beard
Make The Commitment
It’s important to realize that it takes some dedication to growing a beard especially during the early stages. You may become discouraged, frustrated and receive comments from friends and family. But, it’s very rewarding and worth the effort
Your success in growing a beard depends in large part on your commitment and your genetic makeup. Some people are blessed with the ability to sprout a beard in a few short weeks while others may need to spend months to get the desired look. Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do in terms of genetics but with commitment you can stick through the challenging stages to see how things turn out. And, if it doesn’t work out, you can shave it off in a few minutes.
So if you want to grow your beard make the commitment to yourself to stick with it for at least 8 weeks. This will give you enough time to grow out a decent beard, and for you to become accustomed to maintaining it.
Start Growing Your Beard
You can start your beard whenever works best for you. Some people choose to grow it out during the winter months. Others choose to begin growing their beard during vacation while away from work. Yet others choose to grow during football/hockey/baseball/soccer/lacrosse/etc season. Others do it to support national causes like Movember (prostate cancer research) or any other worthy charity. It really doesn’t matter when you begin… just pick a date and stop shaving!
One of the biggest mistakes men make is attempting to shape/trim their beard too soon. It’s best to allow 4 – 6 weeks of growth before attempting to shape the beard. Even if you’re only planning to grow a goatee, chin curtain, or mustache it’s best to store your razor and allow your facial hair to flourish.
Why grow out a full beard for the first four weeks?
You can’t determine how your beard will grow out and will likely trim too much off
You may find that your beard fills out well in some areas and not so well in others
You may like one style when clean shaven but an entirely different one with sufficient growth
All of these reasons can create an awkward looking beard that soon ends up in the bathroom sink.
You may experience itching and/or skin irritation during the growth process. This is a quite common for many guys and not something to be concerned with. There are many aftershave treatments that can help reduce irritation and also soften facial hair. Hair conditioner and lotions can also help to reduce itching. It’s important to realize that the itching is only temporary and will eventually stop.
Shaping Your Beard
After the first month it’s time to shape your beard. Sometimes it makes sense to locate a barber that is familiar with shaping beards. If that’s not an option then there are two areas that you need to focus on:
Neck Line – Generally speaking you want the bottom of your beard to extend past your jaw bone by an inch or two. If you take two fingers and lay them against the bottom of your jaw bone, that is where your beard should end. In addition the back of the beard should extend straight down from the back of your sideburns.
Cheek Line: The rule of thumb is to leave the cheek line to grow naturally without shaping. Many beards have been ruined because men feel the compulsion to trim the cheek line. Don’t do it!
Don’t despair if you make a mistake trimming your beard! Simply let the area grow out without shaving and it will soon fill in again. If the mistake is pretty visible another option is to trim down the length of the hairs for your entire beard and begin growing again.
Maintaining Your Beard
There are only two things you need to maintain your beard:
Beard trimmer – You’ll probably be using this on a daily basis to maintain the shape of your beard. Most beard trimmers have different heads to control the length of your beard hair. In addition trimmers help to remove wild hairs that occasionally stick out at weird angles. It’s best to go with a cordless unit as the cord can often times get in the way during trimming.
Beard comb – These combs are different in that they are small and have a short distance between the teeth which make them perfect for managing your beard. Many of the beard trimmers include a basic comb with the kit.